Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Month 7

Holy shit what is this? I'm ACTUALLY posting on time for once!!

Anyway, we're at month 7 of braces! By we, I mostly mean me, my teeth and this blog. And to the handful of people who actually read my blog. Not sure why you still do, since half the time it's me rambling about teeth moving (or not moving), and complaining about wire changes and elastics...but hey, whatever floats your boat man. (But seriously though, thank you for putting up with my rambling).

I always maintain that braces is one of those things where you just won't see the changes on a daily basis, but when you compare photos of the before and after, you will see loads of changes. And I stand by that. I didn't think that a month would do a lot, but boy, I've been proven wrong again. Pleasantly surprised. Looking at my Month 6 mugshot with this month's...yeah, you definitely can tell there's been some changes. Which, you know, isn't a bad thing.

Month 6

Month 7

As you can see, the top right lateral incisor have definitely moved. It's come down, and I'm pretty sure it's rotated just a tiny bit. You can also see that the night time box elastic configuration have done their job. My open bite is more than gone--the top arch have come down a bit more (just look at the top central incisors. Last month they were still a bit far from the brackets on the bottom teeth...but this month? They nearly touch them). And overall, things look a bit more neater this month when compared to the last month--the teeth looks a bit more rounded out to the arch. And of course, my bite changed too! With the top arch now completely over the bottom and the open bite gone...my bite feels different. Different good!

Onward and upward to another month!

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Life after braces