Friday, September 29, 2017

Week 25

Another week in braces have gone by. It sure doesn't feel that long that I've had them on, but in about a week's time, it'd be half a year in braces for me. Time sure flies regardless whether you're having fun or not. Or maybe I'm just getting older and getting more pedantic, who knows? But anyway, in the blink of an eye, and I've had these suckers on for just about half a year. In a way, that's not a long time, but it's definitely not a short amount of time either. And it shows in my teeth, the amount of changes that had happened already.
My bite continues to change, and it's really strange to wake up each day to discover what my bite is going to feel like for the day. A little weird, but not anything that I'd complain about. All part of the braces journey. At least there's not a moment of dullness there. Nothing quite like waking up in the morning to realize that your bite feels different from before you closed your eyes the night before. But again, all part of the braces journey, and when teeth move, bite change. Especially when correcting your bite is part of the deal. Still, strange. Sometimes my mouth feels weird because of the bite...I imagine my jaw and mouth are now having to adjust to the new bite, causing the weird feeling in my mouth.

I've not noticed any teeth changes other than my bite. The gap between the right lateral incisor and canine on my bottom arch is still there, and it doesn't seem to be closing, even with the powerchain on. The one on the bottom left did, but not the right. I'm due for an appointment on Oct 11 anyway, so maybe I'll get a wire upgrade, and possibly stronger powerchain to close the gap. But other than that, bite changing appear to be the main thing that we're working on right now.

Week 25. The top arch really is being pulled forward by the elastics, and my open bite has, for the most part, been resolved, also by elastics.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week 24

Another week, another update.

So this week, I've noticed that my upper front teeth covers my lower teeth really well immediately after my square elastic is placed on, or taken off. Not so much during the day. Not sure if this is a sign that I'll probably be asked to keep wearing them at night during my next appointment, or if that's just how things are and it'll improve with time. Again, my bite is changing, and it's a weird feeling, not knowing what my bite is going to be until I wake up in the morning. Sure makes eating a bit of an...intriguing thing at times. But no matter. this is what I signed up for, and this is what I have to endure.

(I do wish that I can stop wearing elastics, but I don't think I'm anywhere done with them yet. But a girl can dream. And hope. And wish.)

Week 23

Week 24

Friday, September 15, 2017

Week 23

I actually have visible teeth movement that is captured on photo for this week. So that's really exciting. And yes, I sound like a total dork for saying that, for getting over excited at the fact that I finally manage to snap a picture that clearly shows some teeth movement, but I don't care. It's the first time in weeks that I've been able to post a picture that shows noticeable teeth movement. It's pretty amazing. This is the kind of updates I live for when it comes to my braces. Yes, yes, I know how dorky that sounds. And once again I do not care. It's my blog, and I can be dorky for all I want.

So the noticeable teeth movement is the fact that my upper central incisor is now for real in front of my lower teeth. For real for real. That means that the elastics that I've been wearing are working--the Class III elastics are definitely bringing my top arch forward and my bottom arch back, and the night time box configuration that I've been wearing to close my open bite has in fact, closed my open bite. I've been a real good patient and have been wearing those blasted elastics religiously. I've been super compliant with them, and I don't dare to even think about deviating from what I've been prescribed. They are a pain in the ass, and I'm 100% sure that braces would be easier without them, but they are a necessary evil, and if putting in the work now means that I can save myself some grief later, then it would've all been worth it. And that was one long rambling sentence. But the point is, I'm going to continue to be a good patient and do everything that I'm asked to do in the hopes of speeding up my treatment a bit, and to make sure that my end result is as good as I can get it to be.

I can not reiterate this enough for braces wearer: wear your elastics religiously.

Week 22
Week 23
I know in last week's picture you can see that my front central incisor are in front of my bottom arch, but it is more pronounced in this week's picture. As well, as clearly seen in last week's photo, there is a gap between my upper right central incisor and the bottom arch. But this week, that gap is gone. So teeth are moving, and elastics are doing their thing!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Month 5 and week 22

Another week, and another month. Time sure goes by fast...whether you're having fun or not, it seems. It's just simply amazing how fast time flies...days to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. It's really strange to know that next month this time, I would've had my braces on for half a year. Sure doesn't feel like it's been that long, but the calendar doesn't lie.

My bite continues to change, and my open bite continues to close with the help of the box elastic that I'm required to wear at night. Haven't really seen much of teeth straightening lately, but I'm sure things are moving. Major thing that I've noticed is definitely my bite changing...with my top arch being pulled forward, and my open bite closing. I can see my top front teeth covering my bottom teeth a bit more now--something that I didn't have naturally. Which means all those hours I put into elastics wear works. Moral of the story is to always wear elastics as directed, even if they're a big pain in the ass. And they are a big pain in the ass. But they do work, as evidenced by my bite changing.

Week 21
Month 4

Month 5, Week 22

So as you can see from the pictures, my open bite is definitely closing, and my top arch is being pulled forward. It's not quite as obvious in the pictures, but my top central incisor are covering more of my bottom teeth than before. I can feel my bite changing, and it's quite a strange sensation as my mouth figures out what to do with my new bite.

Onwards and upwards to the next month!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 21...and traveling with braces

Well gang, it looks like we've hit the tail end of another gorgeous summer here. It was a fun summer, braces and all, and I am definitely going to miss the sunshine that we've been getting. But...all good things must come to an end, and I shall look forward to the autumn and winter.

(Not really I won't. Summer's my favourite season. But, without autumn and winter, I'd never appreciate summer. So I tolerate autumn and winter.)

To celebrate the end of summer, I took a little road trip to Dinosaur Town. Firstly, to check out the town and to visit the Dinosaur tourism spots and secondly, to trial the logistics and realities of dealing with braces while traveling. Mostly because I would like to go on a vacation next year (A proper one. Where you get on a plane to fly to somewhere exotic and have a grand adventure.). I enjoyed my stay in Dinosaur Town...and as for the logistics of life on the road with braces... went fine. I skipped flossing for the duration of my trip, mostly because I just didn't want to deal with flossing while on the road. Flossing is hard enough at home, and I just didn't want to deal with it while traveling. Though...that is something I should work on for any future travels. Eating out was fine too--I simply swish water around my mouth after meals and replace my elastics after rinsing my mouth. Definitely did not brush after every meal, but then again, I don't exactly brush after every meal unless I'm at home. But overall, traveling with braces wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be. I just need to find a solution around flossing.

As for my teeth top arch is being pulled more to the front now, and the open bite is slowly closing. Not much in terms of any visible teeth movement, but perhaps we're not at a point in my treatment where we're actively trying to straighten my teeth. My bite is the main thing that I feel like we're working on, because I sure haven't seen any visible teeth movement in a while.

Week 20
Week 21. My top arch is definitely being pulled to the front and over top my bottom arch. The open bite that I've developed is slowly closing with the use of elastics.

Life after braces