Friday, March 2, 2018

Weeks 46 and 47 I'm really not awesome at this week by week thing, as evident by my lack of weekly posting. But to be honest, I was just very, very preoccupied by the Winter Olympics. You see, every two year, I turn into this huge sports fan, and I religiously watch the Olympics, even though I probably can't tell you too much about any of the events. But I will sit tight on the couch and watch as much Olympics as I can. Gotta cheer on Canada, you know. I mean, we just had our most successful Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, as long as you ignore the embarrassment that were curling and hockey. But we did win gold in the two new sports in this year's Olympics, so I guess that's something. And ice dancing was a whole world on its own.

(But I'll forever be haunted by the embarrassment that were curling and hockey. It was just...let's not talk about it. I know there's no such thing as we were "supposed" to get a gold in curling and hockey. But fuck, to go from winning a gold in both men's and women's hockey and curling to winning one single bronze in men's hockey is embarrassing. We fucked up, and we fucked up good)

I suppose that I should actually talk about braces and teeth, seeing as this blog isn't an Olympics blog. These past two weeks...well, I'm still not sure what the finishing wires or my current elastics configuration are supposed to do. I don't see any teeth movement. Not sure if bite changed. I mean, I'm sure the wires and elastics are doing something, but I just haven't a clue what they're supposed to be doing. The elastics are an annoyance, but that's nothing new. The gap between my lower right central and lateral incisor is still there, but I think it's getting better...marginally. Sure hope that changes will come with my next appointment, which is on March 28.

In other news, it's officially 5 more weeks til one year with braces, so I guess I'll have a bit of a milestone to look forward to.

Week 46

Week 47

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