Friday, January 12, 2018

Week 40

Week 40...that means that in exactly 12 weeks, it would be one year since I got these suckers on my teeth. That's pretty damn amazing when you think about it. It really just feels like it was yesterday that I got braces placed on. I'm ever glad that I made the decision to straighten my teeth...even though at times I wonder what the hell I signed myself up for.

But anyway...there's not much in terms of update this time around. My lower right pre molar hurts, but I've long made peace with the fact that random teeth will just randomly hurt when I'm in braces, so it didn't really phase me at all when the pre molar felt a bit sensitive when I brushed my teeth just now. Pain and braces go hand in hand, and I've long embraced that bit about having braces.

I'll make this entry short and sweet, because a) there's not much to report on and b) I'm tired as heck from a shitshow of a shift at the hospital and c) I really don't have anything more to say at this time. So instead of boring you with random chit chat, I'll just cut this entry short.

Week 40

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Life after braces