Today marks another week, and another month. Time seem to go by so slowly at times, we are, three months later. I'd like to say that nothing happened, but we all know that's a lie. The pictures will tell a different story. That in the past three months, my teeth and shifted and moved, and I can feel my bite changing. So while there isn't a whole lot going on a day to day basis (I swear my teeth aren't moving every time I look in the mirror. And I look in the mirror a lot), when you take conglomerate those days together, it's evident that a
lot has happened.
This is where we started |
Month 2 | | | |
Week 12 |
Month 3/Week 13 |
So...evidently, the gap in between my front teeth is mostly gone. My right canine is mostly now out of the crossbite, and you can actually see it, instead of it hiding behind the premolar on my bottom arch. My upper right lateral incisor is being rotated? I think. Because when you compared it against the previous month, there's more of a tilt on it. Same with my upper right central incisor. Cannot tell much difference with teeth in bottom arch...but I THINK the second premolars are being straightened out. My midline is in the middle, instead of being slightly off like in Month 2.And the wire straightened out some more when compared from previous week.
See? I thought there wasn't a lot of changes, but when I compare the pictures...I can pick out the changes. Braces really is a thing of patience, and I can't wait to see what next month brings!
Onward and upward we go!
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