Friday, December 14, 2018

Week 87, 88 and Month 20

I can't believe that a) it's nearly Christmas time again b) I've had these braces on for twenty months already and c) another year is just about to start. Where has the time gone? I've got no idea. It really only felt like yesterday that I got the braces installed. And yet here we are, 20 months later.

So you know how I've been talking about feeling the upper right pre molar touching my lower right canine and it's not the most comfortable thing ever? Well, I'm not sure what, but some voodoo braces magic happened, and that tooth is now not touching my lower right canine in an uncomfortable manner. It kind of just...sits there, and it doesn't bother me like it used to. My bite feels fine. So I guess I won't need to bring this issue back up to the orthodontist next time. I'm guessing that with the torque that the orthodontist put in the wire must have shifted that tooth a bit too, even though the the bend was for moving my upper right lateral incisor out a bit. But whatever! I'm not complaining.

With that issue set aside, I think that if things go the way they are, steady and stable, and if the orthodontist have no more tweaks and imperfections that he wants to work on, I may actually be getting a mold done on my next appointment. Which means, debracing day really isn't that far away. I aim to have these off by the two year I'm hoping that we're still on schedule!

Happy holidays everyone!

Week 87/ Month 20

Week 88

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Life after braces