Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week 57, 58

So I think I'm going to go with posting every other week instead of every week for my week by week posts, mostly because there just isn't a lot of updates that happen on a weekly basis. Heck, there isn't even really all that much to report on on a biweekly basis. But I suppose that's what it's like when I'm in the final phase of the braces journey. There just won't be huge progress, and I don't expect there to be. It's just all the fine tuning and small details now. Things that won't make a big change from week to week.

Remember how I got IPR done for my front four teeth on the top arch? Well, the gap between my lateral incisors and canines have closed up quite nicely. However, I can't say the same about the gaps between the lateral and central incisor, and the gap between the central incisors. They're still there, and it's quite obvious they're still there whenever I floss. The contact between those teeth aren't all that tight, and in some instances, there's no contact between the teeth at all. So this basically just means more powerchain use in my future. Hopefully these gaps will close up soon enough.

As for my central incisors flaring...I honestly can't tell if it's gotten better or not. I mean, I couldn't even tell that I had flaring to begin with, so it's not like I can tell whether I've still go them or not. I think I still have very mild flaring, based on what I can see in the mirror, but like I said, it's not like I saw the flaring before my last orthodontist appointment, so I don't have much as a reference for comparison purposes. I mean, if the flaring doesn't get better by next appointment, there's just going to be more bends in the wire, that's all. Bends in the wire isn't anything new to me anymore. It's just one of those things that happen in this stage.

Elastics have been annoying and a pain in the butt, as usual, but what else is new? I'm still obviously wearing them religiously, because I sure as heck am going to do everything within my powers to speed the treatment up, but it doesn't mean that I like using them. I'm sure they're working--I can feel my back teeth touching each other now, and the ortho did say that my bite is nearly perfect. I'm hoping that I won't have to use this box configuration after my appointment in July...I mean, I only wore the nightly box configuration for three months to close the open bite I developed in the front, so by July, I would've been in the box configuration for my molars for three months, which hopefully would've closed the bite. I'm hoping anyway. And with religious elastics use, I'm really hoping that I don't need to be in the box configuration after July.

Out of all the elastic configurations I've had, I have to admit that the current one I have is the most annoying. It's got quite the learning curve to it with regards to application (I spent a good chunk of time just practicing in front of the mirror to get the hang of it), and it's got a tendency to slip off the "hook" on my second molars. Mostly because the "hook" on the second molar isn't a true hook. It's one of those hooks that's meant for the elastic to loop under...but instead of looping under, I'm to place the elastic over the curve of the loop on the top. That and the end of the powerchain hooks into that looped hook, so I have to basically juggle with placing the elastic on the back of curve over the powerchain tail. It's prone to slipping because of this. Many, many times I've said to myself that it would be so much easier if I had a real hook there....but alas, I don't. So I make do with that I have. I've gotten better at putting on the elasric on my molars--I can do it without much hassle now. But still, I'd rather not wear it longer than I have to.

Week 57
Week 58
See the difference between those two? Yeah, me neither. I do notice that my top left lateral incisor is a bit shorter than my right top lateral incisor, and my top left canine is tipped in,...but I'm sure those are easy fixes that I can just ask the ortho to fix for me. Right now we're working on closing the gaps that IPR made, and to tip my top central incisors in so they don't flare out anymore.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Month 13 and an orthodontist appointment

So another month, another picture. I'm not actually sure if there's any real point to me doing the week by week and month by month anymore, seeing as there's been no big changes between the weeks and months anymore...but I'll figure that out later. For now I'll stick to it, as that's what I've been doing for the past year.

Month 13
All I can say for month 13 is that things are getting finalized and that I can feel my back molars touching each other. No major changes from the one year mark, nor do I expect there to be.

Now, as for the orthodontist appointment that I had today...

It was probably one of the fastest, if not the fastest, appointment I've had so far. I was literally in and out of the office in 20 minutes. That usually doesn't happen. I'm usually out in 30-40 minutes, on average. But I guess that's another sign that things are starting to come together...the lack of major adjustments and changes in each appointment. Which in a way, is good, but in another way, makes for really boring updates and progress. But I do want to be done sooner rather than later, so I guess this lack of excitement is what I'm signing up for now.

The orthodontist assessed my bite, as that is what we're working currently, and declared that my bite is just about perfect. I suspect that the molars are literally the only thing preventing me from having a perfect bite at this time. Which you know, makes sense, considering the fact that I am to continue on the box configuration for elastics on my molars. Which, is still an annoyance, but at least I've figured out how to apply them efficiently and quickly now. Including the elastic for my right side.

I got IPR done today on my top four front teeth. According to the orthodontist, my central incisors on the top are flaring (I didn't notice it, to be honest), so to make room, he shaved a bit of teeth off each of my top four incisors. IPR feels...funny. The tech described it as super flossing, but it really isn't. It's more like....well, you just feel vibrations between the teeth that's being IPR'd. Not unlike a dental cleaning where the dentist uses the...polishing thing to polish your teeth. It feels a bit funny, but it doesn't hurt, isn't uncomfortable (beyond the fact your mouth is dry from being held opened). It's really just grinding a bit of teeth away to make room. 1/3 of a 1mm is what I was told. Which is to say, tiny. So now I've got some tiny gaps in between my four top incisors, which should hopefully help to bring the central incisors in to fix the flaring. With the powerchain, I'm sure that's not an issue.

I also mentioned that I noticed my top left canine is a bit tilted inwards when compared to my top right canine, and the orthodontist said that after the central incisors thing is fixed, it'll just be a simple thing to tilt the left canine out.

So that's my orthodontist appointment today. Some IPR, and to continue on the elastics. (I really am hoping that by my next appointment in July, I wouldn't be needing any more elastics.) Hopefully we're getting closer and closer to the end!

It's really hard to see, but there are gaps in between my top incisors.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Week 56

The sun is shining, we're in May, which means summer is just around the corner. Finally. When you live in a city that's got a 6 month learn to treasure every single drop of summer. It actually doesn't even need to be summer summer per se. Just...warm(er) weather and the sun. I can't imagine living in a place that's eternally sunny and amazing weather all year around (but I mean that in a very good way). SoCal and Florida and Caribbeans....basically everyone who lives south of the Equator, I'm looking at you.

Anyway! I've got an appointment with the orthodontist next Wednesday, so I shall see where I'm at in my braces journey then. I really hope that I'm near the end. I know that the orthodontist is working on the smaller details and fine tuning things, so I really hope that all this tinkering doesn't take too long. Come to think of it, I think the bulk of my teeth straightening and aligning was done in about 6-7 months, so I really hope we don't months doing the fine detailing. I mean, obviously, if that's what it comes to, then I'll do it, ut I just hope it doesn't. My teeth looks really good, all straight, and other than a few very minor flaws, I'm happy with it. My bite feels fine. I'm 200% sure my molars are touching now, because I can feel them touching. If my braces were removed now, I think I'd be pretty damn satisfied with the results. After all, the enemy of good is perfection.

That's not to say that I don't want the orthodontist to do everything that he can to make my teeth and my bite the absolute best it can be, but when it comes to it, I really wouldn't want to spend months and months on end to perfect teeny tiny imperfections. A Hollywood smile isn't what I'm after...just my smile, but with straight teeth aligned properly, complete with an optimal Class I bite. That's really my goal. And I think my goal is fairly realistic and attainable. (The fact that my treatment comes with a complimentary teeth whitening upon completion isn't a bad deal either).

I'll update this after my appointment, as per usual. Until then, here's another picture. (I honestly can't see any changes from week to week now. Which I take it as a good thing.)

Week 56

Life after braces