Saturday, April 15, 2017

Week 1

Week 1 of braces is officially over...only like 103 more weeks to go! Hopefully.

 I felt like I've been through a crash course this past week, learning how to live with braces. Anything and everything that remotely involves my mouth and/or teeth, I've had to re-learn. Examples being brushing and flossing (although, I'm still not great with brushing or flossing, at least I've got the basics figured out), eating (more like, how to mash things with my tongue and swallowing food without much of chewing), and talking (I've got bite blocks on. Which means I can't fully close my mouth. Which translates to me having a slight lisp). Basically, anything that has anything to do with my mouth, I've had to work around my braces somehow. Even putting on lip balm is a completely different now.

Still worth it? I think so. This is just the beginning, so it's far too early to tell. But damn, does it feel good to knock this off my new year's resolution and bucket list.

Starting point
Week 1

As you can see, not much difference. But like I said, lots of more weeks to come!

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Life after braces